Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Top Raggi Blu by Dani

Top Raggi Blu by  Dani
You need:
a nice image
mask 20/20
Filter Factory F
  1. open a new image 1024x450
  2. floodfill with a gradient : linear 45-3 invert checked using a light color and a dark color from you image
  3. duplicate this layer
  4. go to the top layer: effects: Filter Factory F: flowers: 102-0-181-250-194
  5. edge/enhance
  6. selections/ellipse draw an ellipse in the middle then click on delete.
  7. new layer
  8. go to your image and apply the mask 20/20 and merge group
  9. copy and paste into selection
  10. effects 3D: chisel 4 transparent
  11. put your watermark
  12. image add borders top 2 right 2 left 2 bottom 10 symmetric unchecked dark color from your image
  13. inner bevel default settings

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