Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Top Magical Place by Dani

Top Magical Place by Dani

Material: a tube, image of a landscape, effects of PSP, Filters Unlimited

  1. Open a new image 1000x600
  2. Open a tube, choose a light color from it and paint your new image,
  3. Select all, copy and paste the tube into selection, deselect
  4. Effects:  image: seamless tiling default
  5. Effects: distortion: displacement map these settings: preset Mosaic weave, stretch map, blur 0, 3D, 50, 0, wrap
  6. Effects: User defined, emboss 3
  7. Effects: Filters Unlimited: Kaleidoscopic Frame (rectangular) 41-40-36
  8. Adjust, Sharpen, Sharpen
  9. Select the area inside the frame, new layer, copy and paste the landscape image into the selection, deselect
  10. Lower the opacity of this layer to 50%
  11. Copy and paste the tube in your image as a new layer, place it where you want , drop shadow 3-3-70-10
  12. Image, Add Borders 5 Symmetric
  13. With your Magic Wand select this border, Adjust :Add Noise 30 Random Monochrome
  14. Deselect and save.

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